Saints Sergius and Bacchus

Saints Sergius and Bacchus were fourth-century Roman Christian soldiers revered as martyrs and military saints by the Orthodox Churches. Their saints’ story is told in the text known as The Passion of Sergius and Bacchus. According to the text, Sergius and Bacchus were Roman citizens and high-ranking officers of the Roman Army. Their Christianity was discovered when they refused to sacrifice to Jupiter. They were humiliated in public space by being chained, dressed in female attire and paraded around town. They were not convinced to give up their faith, and Bacchus was beaten to death. The next day Bacchus’ spirit appeared to Sergius and encouraged him to remain strong so they could be together forever. Over the next days, Sergius was also brutally tortured and finally executed.

Icon of Saints Sergius and Bacchus
Icon of Saints Sergius and Bacchus